GenAI Startup: Pebble



The national average of guidance counselors to students is 1:458. They are drowning in data and administrative work. 40% of high school students have persistent feelings of depression and anxiety. 22% have thought about suicide. 10% have attempted suicide. Students who need mental health support are falling through the cracks. Guidance counselors need help tapping into the passive data of Student Information Systems(SIS) to identify who needs help.


Currently I am working with the founders to help shape the demonstrable prototype that can be used to acquire investment, generate sales, and provide a roadmap for the incubator consultancy to start building the product.

Team: Design Lead (me), Founders, Clinical Team, Engineering Consultancy (Open Teams).


TBD We are creating a web application for counselors and a mobile application for students. Through a series of iterations , I captured our teams collective understanding of what guidance counselors and students need in a product. I am currently working with the engineering team to scope the prototype into an MVP that can be built with a $50,000 budget.

Will be updated continuously.

Please full screen the Embedded figma File.


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